Mr. Spotlight

There's nothing like exploring a culture through a wedding. Last Saturday, Seini & Brandon promised their wedding would be unlike any I'd ever seen. They were right. Beautiful singing, family mats, colorful costumes, and TONS of dancing! I've never seen so much dancing in one wedding, and it made for some awesome images :)

The above photo is of one of the groomsmen who literally stole the spotlight towards the end of the reception. Once he stepped onto the floor, camera flashes and laughter erupted from the audience. It was magical. 

Nikon D300 | Nikon 17-55 | f5 | ISO 800 | 1/50 sec
SB900 bounced on TTL


  1. I can imagine what this party would sound like based on their facial expressions :) This picture makes me soooo happy!



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